Cypress Ambassador Spotlight: Vineet Kothari

May 9, 2024

By Ronald Williams

What motivates you to be a Cypress Ambassador?*

Being a Cypress Ambassador allows me to connect with fellow testers and developers on a deeper level. I'm driven by the opportunity to share my passion for testing and automation with others, helping them overcome challenges and succeed in their projects. It's incredibly rewarding to be part of a community that values collaboration, learning, and growth.

How do you currently help others that are either using Cypress or interested in using Cypress?*

I actively engage with the Cypress community through their discord. I offer assistance by providing guidance, sharing best practices, troubleshooting issues, and sharing resources to help users maximize their utilization of Cypress. Additionally, whenever time permits I write blogs & make educational content to support both beginners and experienced users in their Cypress journey

What is your favorite Cypress feature?*

One of the things I love most about Cypress is its user-friendly interface. It's incredibly intuitive and makes writing and running tests a breeze. I appreciate how Cypress prioritizes developer experience, making it easy for testers of all skill levels to get started. I also love Cypress's ability to interact with the application under test at a granular level allows for precise control and comprehensive testing scenarios.

What is your favorite "Cypress Best Practice" and why?*

It would be hard to just mention one so I'll maybe give few:

1. I highly value writing clear and descriptive test cases. Well-written tests serve as living documentation for the application, making it easier for team members to understand the intended functionality and behavior.

2. Another Cypress best practice that I find particularly valuable is integrating Cypress tests into the continuous integration (CI) pipeline.

3. Cypress best practices about prioritizing test stability and reliability. This involves implementing strategies to minimize flakiness and ensure consistent test results, such as using explicit waits, handling asynchronous behavior, and reducing reliance on fragile selectors. Flaky & unstable test is more dangerous than anything else

Outside of work, what are your favorite things to do (hobbies, passions, etc.)?*

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time outdoors with my family and our dog. I enjoy a nice relaxing beach day and if I get to watch some good game of soccer (Premier League & Champions league) that's even better. I also have a passion for cooking and experimenting with new recipes. There's something incredibly satisfying about creating delicious meals from scratch and sharing them with loved ones.

What is one professional milestone you are proud of? (an accomplishment, celebration, recognition, etc.)*

One professional milestone I'm proud of is leading a team to successfully implementing Cypress as our primary testing framework. It was a challenging but rewarding experience that allowed us to improve our testing processes, increase test coverage, and enable us to shift left. Seeing the positive impact of our efforts was incredibly gratifying and reaffirmed my passion for testing and automation.

For new users -  what is the best way to "get started" with Cypress?*

For new users, I recommend starting with the Cypress documentation and tutorials. They provide a comprehensive overview of Cypress's features and capabilities, as well as step-by-step guides for getting started with test automation. Additionally, joining the Cypress community discord channel is a great way to connect with other users, ask questions, and learn from their experiences.

Remember `npm install cypress` is all you need to get started

What is your favorite quote or saying?*

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

About the Ambassador Program.

The Cypress Ambassador program supports the top Cypress advocates around the world. Through this program, Ambassadors are offered speaking opportunities, a personalized hub, and visibility within our extensive network.To learn more about these wonderful ambassadors visit our Official Ambassador webpage.

The Cypress Community Team has been working on the official Cypress Ambassador program to include a variety of new experiences, support resources, benefits, contribution areas, and much more. One of our main priorities is to highlight our current Ambassadors and the amazing work they are doing. They truly embody the community spirit through their advocacy to help empower others. We will be having more opportunities to connect with our Ambassadors this year. Make sure to stay updated and connect with the community.